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How to Register

Not sure how to access facilities and programs? Let us explain in more detail by selecting appropriate section below:



Student NRG Fitness Membership (additional fee applicable): Purchase this Membership to access: 

Student NRG PLUS Membership (additional fee applicable): Purchase this Membership to access:

What do I get for free? You already have a ‘Recreation Membership’ if you are a University of Guelph student (full or part-time undergraduate student or full-time graduate student) that is enrolled in the current semester since you have already paid the ‘Athletic Fee’ (Athletic Fee = Recreation Membership) within the Compulsory Fee portion of your tuition. Your Recreation Membership includes limited access to the building for:

  • Drop-in Rec (such as Rec Basketball, Rec/Lane Swims & more)
  • Intramurals (refundable bond)
  • Clubs (additional fees may apply)
  • Virtual Fitness Classes 
  • Option to enroll & pay applicable fees for Registered Programs to learn or improve a skill
  • In order to access to the Fitness Centre Gym & Fitness Classes (NRG Schedule), you must purchase the Student NRG Fitness Membership

Optional Membership Add-on's

Not registered in academic classes this summer or semester and still want to workout? Only enrolled in “DE” classes? 
You will need to purchase the NRG Fitness Membership as a Community Adult 18+ since the Athletic Fee (Recreation Membership) has not been paid for within the tuition compulsory fees. JOIN NOW

Are you a student from another institution?  When purchasing your Recreation Membership, you are considered to be a Community Adult 18+.  JOIN NOW

Rock Climbing Wall

Registered Programs/Activities to learn or improve a skill (18+)

The Recreation Membership is a pre-requisite to enroll in Registered Programs which are designed to learn or improve a skill.  Generally, these programs run for several weeks with a consistent day and time (additional fees applicable) and registration will generally close 2 days prior to the program start date unless noted otherwise in the program description.  If you have purchased the NRG Fitness Membership/NRG PLUS, it includes the Recreation Membership.  The Recreation Membership is not a pre-requisite to purchase Personal Training Sessions or enroll in Certification Courses.  Visit below pages to discover everything we have to offer.

  • Fitness/Wellness: Group Personal Training, Personal Training Sessions (registration required)
  • Skill Development: Aquatics, Dance, Martial Arts, Sports, Aquatic & Safety Certifications, Fitness Certifications (registration required)
  • Follow steps to complete your registration:   
    • hover over the Activity name to view the description and date/time details
    • Click on the Activity name to be re-directed to Connect (our registration system) to complete the registration process
    • It is strongly recommended to register for all Activities you are interested in, even those that are full.  Your name will be added to a waiting list and if a space becomes available you will be contacted by email to confirm your registration.  Waiting lists are carefully monitored and Activities are often added if there is sufficient demand.

Community Adults 18+ (Non-Student) access Fitness Centre Gym, Fitness Classes (NRG Schedule), Drop-in Rec, Climbing Wall

Community Adults 18+ (Non-Student)

Daily Access Pass:  Buy Now or purchase @ Client Services and includes access for the day:

Recreation Membership (18+): This monthly membership includes limited access to the building for:

NRG Fitness Membership (18+): This is the monthly membership you want to purchase in order to access:

NRG PLUS Membership (18+): This is the monthly membership you want to purchase in order to access:

Optional Membership Add-on's

Kids Registered Programs to Learn or Improve a Skill

The Recreation Membership is not a pre-requisite to register for Kids Skill Development Programs which are designed to learn or improve a skill.  Generally, these programs run for several weeks with a consistent day and time (additional fees applicable) and registration will generally close 2 days prior to the program start date unless noted otherwise in the program description. Visit below pages to discover everything we have to offer.

  • Kids Skill Development:  Swim LessonsAquaticsDance, Sports (registration required)
  • Gryphon Camps: please refer to Gryphon Camps section
  • Birthday Parties & Team Building 
  • Follow steps to complete your registration:   
    • hover over the Activity name to view the description and date/time details
    • Click on the Activity name to be re-directed to Connect (our registration system) to complete the registration process
    • It is strongly recommended to register for all Activities you are interested in, even those that are full.  Your name will be added to a waiting list and if a space becomes available you will be contacted by email to confirm your registration.  Waiting lists are carefully monitored and Activities are often added if there is sufficient demand.

Child & Youth access Fitness Centre Gym, Fitness Classes (NRG Schedule) or Drop-in Rec

Youth (Ages 13-17)

Youth Daily Access Pass (Ages 13-17) Buy Now or purchase @ Client Services and includes access for the day:

  • Drop-in Rec (such as Rec Basketball, Rec/Lane Swims & more)
  • NRG Fitness Classes
  • Does not include access to the Fitness Centre Gym or the Climbing Wall
  • Youth are NO longer required to be supervised by a parent/guardian, but waiver must be signed by parent/guardian 18+
  • View Day Pass options here

Youth Recreation Membership (Ages 13-17): This monthly membership includes limited access to the building for:

Youth NRG Fitness Membership (Ages 13-17):  This is the monthly membership you want to purchase in order to access:

  • Fitness Centre GymFitness Classes (NRG Schedule)
  • Also includes the Recreation Membership (Drop-in Rec & Virtual Fitness Classes)
  • This membership is not a pre-requisite to register for Kids & Camps programming
  • Youth are not required to have parent/guardian supervision, but waiver must be signed by parent/guardian (18+) at time of purchase
  • Upon purchase of the Youth NRG Fitness Membership, individuals will automatically be registered into the Free 1-hour Fitness Centre Orientation that provides an overview of our policies and the equipment we have to offer in our GGAC Fitness Centre. Youth (Ages: 13-17) must complete this mandatory Orientation Session prior to accessing the Fitness Centre. A Fitness Centre staff will contact you by email to book this session.    

Child (Ages 5-12) 

Child Daily Access Pass (Ages 5-12)  Buy Now or purchase @ Client Services and includes access for the day:

  • Drop-in Rec 
  • Does not include access to the Fitness Centre Gym, NRG Fitness Classes or access to the Climbing Wall
  • Children are required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian (16+), that must be within eyesight of the child at all times
  • The parent/guardian is required to purchase a membership if they are participating with the child, but are not required if only watching
  • Waiver must be signed by parent/guardian (18+)
  • View Day Pass options here

Child Recreation Membership (Ages 5-12): This monthly membership includes limited access to the building for:

  • Drop-in Rec for children are required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian (16+), and must be within eyesight of the child at all times
  • Does not include access to the Fitness Centre Gym, Fitness Classes or the Climbing Wall (Child NRG Fitness Memberships not available)
  • Parent/guardian is required to purchase a membership themselves if they are participating with the child, but are not required to purchase if only watching
  • Waiver must be signed by parent/guardian (18+)
  • JOIN NOW  

Gryphon Camps

The Recreation Membership is not a pre-requisite to register for Gryphon Camps.  Generally, camp programs run for one week at a time and are offered for several weeks.  

Gryphon Camps Registration Process

It is very important to understand our registration process to ensure your camper is registered into the appropriate camp program for their age and that we have all the required information in order to have a successful camp experience.  Please ensure you are familiar with our registration process by reviewing the below details. 

View our Gryphon Camps Registration 'How to's' videos.

If you are a returning customer to the Department of Athletics, DO NOT create a new account.  If you have forgotten your login/password, please utilize the “Forgot your login” or “Forgot your password” function.  Once you have logged in, please ensure all your contact information is up to date for you as the Parent/Guardian (Head of the Account), as well as within each of your camper’s details including emails, phone numbers, address.  Login into CONNECT @

If you are a new customer to the Department of Athletics, begin by creating an account with the Parent/Guardian name including all contact information, then add each camper as a Family Member to the account.  Please ensure all contact information is included within each of the camper’s details as well.  Create your CONNECT account @

Wish List

Prior to when registration opens, you can identify your desired weeks of Camp by utilizing our 'Wish List' function by clicking on the heart.   It is important to understand that this process is NOT completing a registration, it is just providing you with a quick reference for when registration actually opens.  Once registration is open, you must complete the registration process.

Minimum/Maximum Age Requirements

Each camp has a minimum and maximum age requirement to ensure campers are grouped with others within the same age range. If you have questions or concerns about age requirements, please contact the Gryphon Camps Office at or 519-824-4120 Ext. 56131.

  • Minimum Age: Campers must be no younger than the minimum age or be turning that age by the upcoming September 1st.
  • Maximum Age: Campers must be no older than the maximum age by the end of the calendar year (December 31st).
  • It is imperative to register your camper for the appropriate age group.  

Pick-up and Drop-off 

  • Drop-Off: 8am-8:45am
  • Programming: 8:45am-4pm
  • Pick-Up: 4pm-4:30pm
  • Post Camp Extended Day Supervision: 4:30pm-5:30pm | $32/week per camper | Option to purchase in June   

If your child plans to attend with a one-on-one support worker, which you have pre-arranged with that respective organization, please register and then contact the camp office ( to inform us of your child’s request to ensure we meet all cohort ratio requirements.

If a camp has reached maximum capacity, please add your campers name to the Waiting List.  This means if any spaces become available, we will contact you directly through phone or email to see if you are still interested in taking the spot at that time.  Please note, that we will start at the top of the list (first person on the waiting list) and work our way through the list until the spot is filled

In order to complete your registration, you must initial/sign the waivers affiliated with the camp program during the registration process.


If you wish to read the waiver and releases prior to registration. You can view them here.

Payment Options

Camp payment options ensure families have the option to choose what works best for them.   You will have the option to pay in full at the time of registration or you can utilize our Payment Plan option.

If choosing to utilize the PAYMENT PLAN, you will be required to register your credit card and pay the $30 down payment for each camper for each week they are registered in (this amount is non-refundable).  Then 3 weeks prior to the camp start date of each camp week, your credit card will be automatically charged for the remaining balance(s). 

When registering less than 3 weeks from the start date of that particular week of camp, you will be required to pay the full amount and the PAYMENT PLAN option will no longer be an option.

We do work alongside regional organizations to support camp families that may require financial assistance (Children’s Foundation of Guelph & Wellington, Canadian Tire JumpStart).  Please contact the organizations directly.


We reserve the right to cancel any Camp that does not have sufficient registration.  In this case, participants will receive a full refund and notification prior to the start of the Camp.  It is your responsibility to ensure that your contact information (phone, email, mailing address) is current.

If space permits, transfers can be requested no later than 10 days prior to the start date of that particular week of camp and can be done so by contacting the Camp Office (online transfers n/a).  Weeks cannot be transferred between different campers.  No additional fees apply to transfers.

ALL Camp Withdrawals will incur a $30 withdrawal fee and must be requested no later than 10 days prior to the start date of that particular week of camp.  Individuals have the option to withdraw themselves online if done so by June 1 (withdrawal fee will still apply).  If withdrawing later than June 1 you will be required to contact the Camp Office at (online withdrawals n/a within this time frame) and the withdrawal fee will apply . NO withdrawals available if not requested 10 days prior to the camp start date.  Refunds placed back onto accounts will remain there for 365 days.  

If the Department of Athletics is required to close:  Individuals will be contacted and automatically withdrawn from Camp Activities. Refunds will be prorated for days that have already taken place and the credit will be placed back to the original payment method. For original payments made by cash or debit, refunds will be placed onto accounts and once the facility can re-open, individuals will be able to contact Client Services in order to process the refund from their account.

Athletics reserves the right to terminate this agreement without notice and at the sole discretion of Athletics, where due circumstances make it inappropriate to continue to offer this service.

Camp Newsletter

Prior to attending camp, each camper will receive a newsletter about their upcoming experience specific to the Camp they are enrolled in.  Newsletters will be sent to the email address that was included during the registration process within each of the campers’ details (NOT the Parent/Guardian’s email).  This newsletter will include important information such as: entrance locations, camp expectations, who’s who at camp (counsellor information), ‘what to pack’ list and a link to the mandatory 'Extended Camper Health & Information Form'.

Extended Camper Health & Information Form

Campers will receive their newsletter by email approximately 1 week prior to attending camp, including a specific link to complete the 'Extended Camper Health & Information Form'.  This form MUST be completed by the THURSDAY before attending camp or your camper will not be permitted to attend camp until this form is completed in-person.  Since we no longer ask for detailed health information during the registration process, this form will collect the following information: medical information (allergies or injuries to be aware of), list of individuals permitted to pick up the camper; emergency phone numbers & relationship to the camper, sport specific questions if applicable, and any additional information to ensure a successful week of camp.   This information stays secure and confidential and is only accessed if required to ensure that camp is a safe space for everyone.

Visit below pages to discover everything Gryphon Camps has to offers:

'Wish List' Option Prior to when Registration is open

In CONNECT, the Wish list function allows you to 'bookmark' certain activities specifically of interest to you prior to when registration is open by clicking on the heart.
*Please ensure you are Signed in to CONNECT to use this tool for quick and easy access & do not mistake this function as a registration. You must Sign-in once registration is open to complete your transaction.


Please assist us by adhering to the following Facility Guidelines

There is NO Access to Athletics facilities & programs without a registered program, membership, Day Pass, Ticket or Rental Permit, otherwise you will be trespassing, and the Campus Safety Office will be contacted.