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TRX® Suspension Classes

You are currently filtered to view only TRX® Suspension Classes.  Class formats vary each semester & all formats may not be currently offered.  Go to NRG Calendar to view all class formats, review current Policies & Protocols.  

  • View filtered NRG Calendar below the class descriptions which can be filtered by morning, afternoon, evening, or ALL Classes 

TRX® All Core

TRX® All Core is solely focused on strengthening the muscles of your core using the TRX suspension straps.

TRX® Cardio & Strength Intervals

This class is all about the intervals. Get your sweat on as you alternate between cardio & strength exercises using the TRX®. This class is included within the NRG Fitness Membership.

TRX® Circuit

This class is a fusion of TRX® Suspension Training strength exercises and cardio intervals. You'll drive your heart rate up and experience strength and cardiovascular gains. This class is included within the NRG Fitness Membership.

TRX® Hardcore

This 45min class is geared towards toning and strengthening ALL the muscles of your torso. This class is included within the NRG Fitness Membership.

TRX® Strength

TRX® suspension training is all about leveraging your body weight to challenge your balance, coordination and strength. This class will take your strength to a whole new level. Class size is limited to 12 people. This class is included within the NRG Fitness Membership.

NRG TRX® Classes

This half hour TRX® Hardcore class is geared towards toning and strengthening ALL the muscles of your torso.

TRX® Hardcore

This half hour TRX® Hardcore class is geared towards toning and strengthening ALL the muscles of your torso.

TRX® AFrame

TRX® which stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise, is revolutionary workout method that uses your body weight and gravity as resistance to build strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, core and joint stability.

TRX® Suspension

TRX® Suspension classes build core strength. Every movement engages your core, even if you are primarily targeting other muscles.

TRX® Surge

Surge is a piece of equipment filled with water that helps build stability in the body (may be used in some classes)

TRX® Boot Camp

TRX® Boot Camp will push you to your max in this circuit style H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio/strength TRX® class. This is a total body metabolic workout that drives the cardio burn, increases your strength and maximizes results.

TRX® Hardcore
TRX® AFrame
TRX® Suspension
TRX® Surge
TRX® Boot Camp
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