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Hours of Operation


Click here for NRG Schedule Calendar

Fitness Centre Hours   

Summer Hours: Sun Apr 28, 2024 to Fri Aug 30, 2024
Monday to Friday 6am - 9:30pm
Saturday/Sunday 7am - 7:30pm
Holiday Weekends:   
June 29/30, July 1, 2024 Sat/Sun/Mon 10am - 3pm
Aug 3/4/5, 2024 Sat/Sun/Mon 10am - 3pm
Aug 31, Sept 1/2, 2024 Sat/Sun/Mon 8am - 7pm

New NRG Zone

NRG Zone logo Visit Fitness Centre page for details


GGAC Building Hours  

Summer Hours: Sun Apr 28, 2024 to Fri Aug 30, 2024
Monday to Friday 5:30am - 10:30pm
Saturday/Sunday 7am - 8:30pm
Holiday Weekends:  
June 29/30, July 1, 2024 Sat/Sun/Mon 10am - 4pm
Aug 3/4/5, 2024 Sat/Sun/Mon 10am - 4pm
Aug 31, Sept 1/2, 2024 Sat/Sun/Mon 8am - 8pm



Indoor Climbing Wall Hours

Visit Indoor Climbing Wall page 



U of G Alert Visitors & Guests

Applies to all NON-Gryphmail holders

If you are on campus and don’t have a U of G Alert account, you can still receive these alert messages.

  • Non-registered users refer to contractors, guests, volunteers and OpenEd students
  • Visitors to campus include conference attendees, Athletics Centre members or anyone who is on campus on a regular basis or for a defined period of time
  • Parents with children attending camp
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A limited number of hours are available to rent, please contact the Facilities Office: / 519-824-4120 ext. 53790