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Staff/Faculty/Retiree Information


Subsidized NRG Fitness Membership $38.43+HST/month join now
NRG PLUS Upgrade additional $44+HST/ Fall semester Upgrade now
Free Fitness Centre Orientation: This optional 1-hour session provides an overview of the equipment we have to offer in our GGAC Fitness Centre Gym.  Book now by calling the GGAC Fitness Centre Desk, 519-824-4120 ext. 52105.


NRG Fitness Membership Includes:

NRG PLUS includes:


Get access to the Climbing Wall when you:

Purchase/Upgrade to NRG PLUS   OR NRG PLUS details  
Purchase Climbing Pass $70+HST/ semester Climbing Wall Details
Available during Fall/Winter semesters only.  



Subsidized Recreation Membership $24.68+HST/month join now

The monthly Recreation Membership includes limited access to the building for a variety of Drop-in RecVirtual Fitness Classes and option to enroll in Registered Programs to learn or improve a skill.  Eligible UofG Staff/Faculty/Retirees are eligible to receive the subsidized rate & can be set up as an auto-renewable monthly membership.  If you would like to access the Fitness Centre Gym & Fitness Classes (NRG Schedule), you will need to purchase the NRG Fitness Membership (which includes the Recreation Membership).