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Policies & Procedures


  • It is the responsibility of Team Captains or Individuals/Free Agents to register and pay the Bond
  • Bonds will be returned in full at the end of the semester if no fines are applied during the semester
  • Teams can be fined if they default a game, forget to submit their roster on time, player misconduct, or lost/damaged jersey/equipment
  • Teams/Free Agents have up to one year to use any Intramural bond refund amounts for future registrations
  • Any unclaimed/unused bonds after one year of receiving the credit will be forfeited
  • Visit the Intramural page for Bond amounts

Cancellation Policy

  • It is the responsibility of the Team that is requesting the cancellation to make the request to
  • All cancellation requests must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled game.  Sunday games must be canceled by Thursday at 5pm
  • The Intramural office will contact both teams to confirm the cancellation
  • We do not accept any rescheduling requests
  • Only outdoor games canceled due to inclement weather may be rescheduled if staffing and/or facility space is available. This will be determined by the Sport Facilitator and is not guaranteed.
  • Teams may cancel their first game without penalty to their bond.  If you cannot attend your first game and do not cancel, you will lose your entire bond and will be removed from the league.


  • A 10-minute default rule will apply. If the minimum numbers of players are not present 5-minutes after the scheduled game time the opposing team will be awarded points/goals/runs. After the 5-minute mark if the team still has not met the minimum requirement the opposing team will be given an additional points/goals/runs every minute up until the 10-minute mark when the game will be officially a default and the official score will be applied. No added time will be given if match starts late.  
  • Once the team bond is lost completely, the team must repay the bond to continue playing in the league
  • If a team defaults their first game and does not pay their bond back, their spot will go to the next team on the waitlist
  • Any time a player is ejected from a game or receives a major misconduct, they will be suspended indefinitely until they attend a Protest & Appeals hearing
  • View Protest & Appeals details here


The team bond is fully refundable unless a team has been fined for the following reasons:

  • First Game Default: Ice Hockey - $300 | Other Sports - $100
  • Game Default: Ice Hockey - $150 |  Other Sports - $50
  • Late Team Roster Submission: $15
  • Misconduct and/or Fighting: Varies - dependent upon P&A Meeting
  • Lost/Damaged Equipment/Jersey: Varies - dependent upon equipment cost

Officials Responsibility

  • At least one referee/monitor will be provided for all matches
  • Officials are responsible for checking eligibility, attendance, controlling the game & keeping score
  • If an official fails to show, the teams will be responsible for scoring & calling their own game
  • Officials must be treated with respect
  • Each match is controlled by an official who has full authority to enforce the Laws of the Game in connection with the match to which they have been appointed to
  • The decisions of the officials concerning the play are final and there will be no negotiations made between teams
  • Questions or concerns about penalties can be appealed to the Protest & Appeals Committee.  Visit 'Protest & Appeals' page for more details.


All competitive teams are guaranteed at least one playoff match after the regular season. Playoff games are played in the same format as regular season games.


  • It is the responsibility of all Intramural participants to ascertain whether their own health conditions make it advisable to participate in a particular sport
  • The University of Guelph does not assume any responsibility
  • No jewelry is permitted for any Intramural Sport
  • Appropriate gym shoes & apparel must be worn at all times
  • Both teams should take-out pinnies from Client Services (at minimum, the visiting team)


The Recreation Membership is a pre-requisite to play Intramurals

Students: You already have a ‘Recreation Membership’ if you are a University of Guelph student (full or part-time undergraduate student or full-time graduate student) that is enrolled in the current semester since you have already paid the ‘Athletic Fee’ (Athletic Fee = Recreation Membership) within the Compulsory Fee portion of your tuition. Your Recreation Membership includes limited access to the building including Intramurals.

  • Each participant can only play on 1 men's or women's team per sport plus 1 mixed team if offered by the sport regardless of league or division.  The exception is Hockey Goalies who can play on a maximum of 3 teams.
  • Intercollegiate Athletes are not permitted to play on an intramural team that is the same sport as their intercollegiate sport for both semesters
  • All players must sign in to every game with their UofG Student/Staff/Faculty ID Card or Driver's License (Community members).  The only exception is in playoffs, when grace passes will not be available for purchase.  During playoffs, players can present valid government photo ID as an alternative.


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