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Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms - Details

Gryphon Lounge 131 Meeting Room 3201 Meeting Room 3203 Studio Room 3213
Rental Price (Hourly)
$60.00 / Hour + HST $30.00 / Hour + HST $30.00 / Hour + HST $60.00 / Hour + HST
Rental Price (Full Day - 8 Hours Minimum)
$480.00 / Day + HST $250.00 / Day + HST $250.00 / Day + HST $600.00 / Day + HST
~45 People ~10 People ~10 People ~ 65 People
28' x 24' 20' x 13'

20' x 13'

38' x 38'
AED located in lobby outside the room. AED located across from Room 3212. AED located across from Room 3212. AED located across from Room 3212.
85" TV for better viewing.     Mirrored wall.
Ideal for large groups. Ideal for small groups. Ideal for small groups. Ideal for large groups.
Situated in the historic part of the building. Overlooks the Event Centre. Overlooks the Event Centre. Overlooks the main lobby of the Athletic Centre.
Television and whiteboard(s) provided in each room.

Contact Information

Facility Supervisor Contact:

Andrew Godard 

Tel: 519-824-4121, ext. 58863


Athletics Facility Booking Office Contact:

Tel: 519-824-4120, ext. 53790
Fax: 519-821-7973

**Gryphon Athletics Facility Booking Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. 
**Please note the office is closed on Statutory holidays. 

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