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Gryphon Athletics to Re-open Facilities January 31

January 21, 2022 - In accordance with Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen, the Province of Ontario will be exiting modified Step 2 on January 31. The Department of Athletics looks forward to safely welcoming participants back to our facilities, programs and services.

What this means for Gryphon Athletics & Recreation:  Effective Monday, January 31, 2022, Gryphon Athletics facilities will reopen with a 50% capacity limit.

Everyone entering our facilities and participating in our programs and memberships must follow the following Covid-19 Protocols:

Pre-Screening prior to coming to campus:

If you are coming to campus you are required to fill out the U of G Pre-Screening form and show the ‘OK to Attend Facilities’ message prior to passing the control desk at Client Services.

Proof of Vaccination:

The enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code is required as proof of vaccination. The QR code can be used digitally or by printing a paper copy.

  • Government-issued ID with name and date of birth is required.
  • Medical exemptions and clinical trial exemptions are required to verify using a certificate with QR code. Physician notes are no longer accepted.
  • Proof of vaccination is required for youth aged 12 to 17 years participating in organized sports at recreational facilities.

At the point of entry, participants must be prepared with the above items every time facilities are entered.

There will be no entry without these items. It is your responsibility to ensure you have what is required. Not being aware of these changes or not having these items with you is not acceptable and individuals will be denied entry.

Masks – Updated Requirements:

  • All members and visitors are required to wear a mask at all times while in any Department of Athletics building, including while in changerooms.
  • Masks may only be removed when physical activity starts and must be put back on as soon as the activity ends.
  • Masks must be stored in a clean bag or pouch so it may be clean and ready to be put back on when the activity ends.
  • With the higher transmissibility of the Omicron variant, U of G has updated its requirements for masks worn on-site for students, staff, and faculty. Effective immediately, students, staff and faculty must wear a medical style mask while on site.


  • NRG and Climbing Wall memberships for Winter 2022 will be available for purchase on January 24. Please purchase online or in-person as of 5:30 am on January 31.
  • Locker sales will begin on January 31 and may only be purchased in person.
  • All community, staff, faculty, and youth memberships will be activated and charged as of January 31 unless an email request was sent to continue to suspend your membership.
  • U of G students who have already purchased a Winter 2022 NRG and / or locker membership will receive a coupon credit on their account for the period of the closure (January 5-30).

For questions regarding memberships, please contact client services at

Registered Programs:

  • Dance, Martial Arts, Running Clinic and Certification programs will be open for registration on January 24. Programs will start the week of January 31, 2022.
  • Active Kids Learn to Skate will begin on January 31. Active Kid swim, dance and climbing programs will begin February 5.
  • Any program that was shortened due to the closure will be credited (pro-rated) by February 4.

Intramurals and Clubs:

  • Intramural programming will re-open for registration on January 22 and will close on February 2 at 4pm.
  • Leagues will begin on February 6.
  • If you have already registered for the winter semester there is no need to re-register.
  • Club practices will resume on January 31.

Additional Updates:

We are committed to keeping our community informed about operational changes that occur because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the most up-to-date information on the Department of Athletics relating to COVID-19 please visit our social media and fitness and recreation COVID-19 page here.


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