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Equestrian Q&A

Equestrian Q&A

Where are tryouts and what do I need to do?

Tryouts are done in a video format at the beginning of the school year for both hunt seat and western teams. We recommend you get in contact with team executives and put together a tryout video before the start of the school year. Updates about tryouts will be posted on both team Facebook pages, so pay attention to those

Do I need a horse?

Nope! Even if you do have your own horse, you won’t be using it for team purposes. Lessons are done on school horses and shows are based on catch riding. How often do you train? Both teams lesson at least once per week, and have weekly dry-land training at the Athletics Center on campus.

I’m a beginner rider, is this an issue?

No – not at all! In fact, we actually need beginners on our team. Our shows have classes for different experience levels, ranging from riders who are very experienced to riders who have had no formal training.

Do I have to go to every show?

Yes – in joining the team you make a commitment to both your teammates and your coaches. We expect high levels of dedication from all our riders.

If you make the team can you bring your own horse if you wish?

Due to the catch-riding style of our competitions, the horses we ride at the shows are supplied by the school hosting the show. Therefore riders would never ride their own horses. Additionally, our coaches like us to ride lots of different horses in lessons so we can practice adjusting to different horses in competition. However, you are more than welcome to contact whichever facility your team rides at to see if you can board your horse there, and ride it outside of your lessons with the team.