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Dance Pak Q&A

Dance Pak Q&A

Which universities do we compete against?

There are between 20 and 25 University Dance Teams that participate in the dance competitions that we attend each year. Most major universities in Ontario have a competitive dance team and attend the same competitions as the Gryphon Dance Pak. (e.g. Western, Brock, MacMaster, Laurier (Waterloo), Ryerson, Queens, York, etc.)

Do I need to pay an additional fee?

Just as it was in studio dance competitions, members are required to pay for their own individual competition entrance fees and costumes. The team generally covers large group costs for competitions, but team members are to cover their own small group/duet/solo costs.

How many members are on the team?

In 2016, we had a small (but mighty) team of 13 members.

Is it difficult to juggle school and dance?

For those of you who have competed all throughout high school, university is much the same. Time management is an important skill to have and utilize in university. Though it may seem busy at times, it is absolutely worth it to involve yourself in a team and have an outlet from the pressures and stress that school can bring. DEFINITELY worth your time!