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Outdoor Fitness/Recreation Opportunities expand!

The Department of Athletics is providing some recreational opportunities in July for current registered U of G students who have paid Athletic Fees for the spring/summer semester.

We have also introduced Outdoor NRG Fitness classes that are now available to U of G Students for Free and anyone 16yrs or older that has purchased the Outdoor Fitness Class Pass.

We are still slowly phasing in what services we can offer according to the stages of reopening through the Province of Ontario. As capacities and restrictions change, we will see what we can adapt and make available.  Please note: we will not be selling Day Passes and the Guelph Gryphons Athletics Centre will remain closed, therefore there will be NO access to changerooms, washrooms or water fountains during these activities. * 

Outdoor Fitness Area – NEW! Our main baseball diamond is now open for students only as a drop-in fitness space. We will have mats, kettlebells, bars, plates and benches available for you to get a workout in. Workouts should be booked at These drop-ins will only be available from 8:30-9:30 am Mon-Thurs starting June 28thVisit Recreation page for more details.

Outdoor Recreation will continue in July. Please continue to check for an up to date schedule and availability. We will be adding times and opportunities as we can. Bookings will open up 7 days in advance. In July, we hope to add scrimmage and game opportunities for students to play outdoor sports.  Visit Recreation page for more details.

Outdoor NRG Fitness classes continue!  These classes are Free to U of G Students and open to anyone 16yrs of age or older that has purchased the Outdoor Fitness Class Pass which is valid for the month of July for only $10 +HST.  All classes must be pre-booked through the Outdoor Fitness Class Pass here      

To view schedule of classes please visit NRG Calendar page.  Don’t forget to book your spot in before coming!

Outdoor Drop-in Fitness Area Outdoor Dropin Fitness Area Outdoor Drop-in Fitness Area

Outdoor Group Trainining Sessions Outdoor Group Training Sessions

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