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Outdoor Recreation for U of G Students

The Department of Athletics will be providing some recreational opportunities in June for current registered U of G students who have paid Athletic Fees for the spring/summer semester. We are still slowly phasing in what services we can offer according to the stages of reopening through the Province of Ontario. As capacities and restrictions change, we will see what we can adapt and make available. *Note: we will not be selling Day Passes, so all of the below opportunities are for current students only*.  The Guelph Gryphons Athletics Centre will remain closed, therefore there will be NO access to changerooms, washrooms or water fountains during these activities. * 

Outdoor Bootcamp  

Come join us on the Field Hockey Pitch (the grass field beside the Soccer Complex at the corner of East and South Ring Road). All students will be required to bring their own mat (we will not provide mats).  Students must book a spot within the link below and only registered students will be allowed to participate. Classes will have a limit of 10 so register today to secure your spot!
Dates: June 15, 17, 22 and 24
Time: 12pm-12:45pm
Location: Field Hockey Pitch
Register here:


Recreation on the Field 

We will be opening up the Gryphon Soccer Complex, North Field for recreational activities. Students will be required to bring their own equipment as nothing will be available to rent. Students must book a spot in the link below and only registered students will be allowed to participate. Participation will be limited to ensure physical distancing requirements. Participants will be required to check in with the Rec Attendant and are expected to self-monitor that they are following provincial guidelines by maintaining 3m apart from other participants, no games or scrimmages are played and masks are kept on except when engaged in physical activity.
Dates: June 14, 16, 21, 23, 28 and 30
Time: 12pm-2pm
Location: Gryphon Soccer Complex, North Field
Register here:

All participants are expected to complete their own self-assessment ( and only come to activities if they are not a risk to those around you. Please follow Provincial Guidelines by maintaining physical distancing at all times, frequently washing or sanitizing your hands and staying home if you are sick.

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