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Member Update March 9th, 2021

Dear Members, 

Thank you for trusting us as a place you feel comfortable being active. Your health and safety is our top priority and we thank you for your continued support in following our policies and procedures.  

The Region of Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin is now in the fourth week of Red-Control Zone. Although this does mean we can be open, it does limit our capacity to service the high demand we have on our building and facilities. We have heard your feedback and will be implementing the following changes: 


Lane Swim 
Both our morning and noon swim will now be 45 min blocks. Swims will now begin at 7:15am, 8:15am, 11:15am and 12:15pm Monday-Friday. This will allow us to double the number of bookings we can accommodate on those five days. These bookings will begin Wednesday March 17th

NRG Classes 
An additional 10  classes per week have been added. The schedule of these classes can under the NRG calendar link on the homepage. The new classes will start on Friday March 12th.  

On-Demand Fitness 

All members have free access to our On-Demand Fitness Platform that can be found under Fitness/Wellness then Gryphon On-Demand page. It features over 20 classes for you to check out. 

Gryphon Reservations  

New updates to our bookings system:  

  • You will now need to agree to our booking policies before proceeding with your booking. Booking policies can on the policies page of our website (under About Us)
  • Members are no longer allowed to book more than one spot, including not being able to book for someone else. All members must make their own reservation.  
  • All reservations open seven days in advance on the hour. We understand this is different from opening at midnight, but we do believe this system allows for more members to be able to book, including those that do not want to wake up at midnight.

Please be aware of the following: 

  • Back to back bookings are not permitted in the same building.  The Provincial Framework mandates the length of time individuals can spend in our buildings.
  • Due to high demand, members can only book one time slot per day in either NRG classes or Fitness Centre**
  • Members can only book one time slot per day for recreation swimming**

**This will be enforced and are in place to get as many members through these high demand spaces as possible. 


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