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Gryphon Athletics Ready to Welcome you Back – NOW Open

As of February 16, 2021 (Guelph, Ont.) - The region of Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin moved to the strengthened measures of Red - Control after a province wide stay at home order was lifted. The University of Guelph, Department of Athletics is ready to safely welcome you back into our facilities as of February 16th at 7am.  For the protection of public health, please continue your attention towards our guidelines and amenity restrictions within our facilities and programs.  

NRG Memberships

Monthly memberships that were suspended due to the Stay at Home orders will resume as of Feb. 16th on your regular payment schedule. If you would like to continue the hold on your NRG Membership, please contact Adam Bailey at

Students who had purchased Fall/Winter NRG memberships will receive a coupon on their account of $29 for the closure January 1 to February 15. If you are not returning or will not be using your membership and would like a refund please email Adam Bailey at

New Reservation System

We have a new reservation system for all of our fitness and recreation programs. This all-in-one booking system will be the place to book Fitness Centre workout blocks, NRG classes and Recreation bookings.

The system is open and bookings can be made by visiting

  • Bookings can be made up to seven days in advance. Slots will open exactly seven days in advance. (i.e. 11am slots will open up at 11am 7 days in advance)
  • Bookings can be reserved and managed easily through the system, but Client Services can now help you manage or cancel bookings by calling them at 519-824-4120 x56253

Note:  Reservations are required for all Fitness and Recreation activities as outlined by the Red-Control Framework.

Program & Membership Guideline Reminders

  • All indoor recreation and fitness maximum numbers are ten (10) participants, including the Fitness Centre. Continue to pre-book your workouts.
  • Fitness Centre workout blocks will be 50 minutes.
  • Complete the University of Guelph screening form before you come to campus.
    • Every day, take the time to think seriously about how you are feeling and your possible exposure to Covid-19 and do not come to campus if your screening says to stay home.
  • Continue to pre-book for your activity at
  • Swipe in at Client Services or the Fitness Centre. Fitness Centre Users should continue to enter through Garney Henley Entrance.
  • Follow the instructions of all staff.
  • Use the hand sanitizing stations throughout the building and follow good face and hand hygiene.
  • Clean your equipment and clean your hands before and after using equipment.
  • Stay 2 meters apart while travelling throughout the building and 3 meters apart in the Fitness Centre and Fitness Classes.
  • No back to back bookings for Recreation time-slots or Fitness Centre workout blocks.
  • Always wear a face covering, except while exercising. This means that face coverings must always be on while travelling in the building or between workout stations or equipment.

 For a complete list of restrictions and procedures in our programs and memberships, please contact Client Services at


Visit for Gryphon internal protocols & opening procedures.
Visit for all University of Guelph COVID-19 information 

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