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Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin moved to strengthened measures of 'Yellow - Protect' as of Nov 3, 2020

Last week (Tuesday November 3rd) the Provincial Government introduced a new Covid -19 response framework (COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open). 

On Friday it was announced that the region of Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin moved to the strengthened measures of Yellow – Protect

We are continuing to determine the impacts of this framework across all our service areas, and if our Public Health will introduce further measures.   We are already doing many of the requirements such as:  face coverings always required; collection of contact information for all patrons and ensuring that all members have a pre-booked time in our facility and we thank you for your effort in compliance with these efforts.

Below are the changes for the fitness centre and NRG classes, effective immediately, based on the new framework: 

 Please increase your spacing between each other to 3m in the Fitness Centre

  • New policy: If someone is on a machine, you may not use the machine immediately to that person’s left or right until they have completed their sets, cleaned the machine and left the area. You will see new signs in the facility with regards to this new policy and staff will be enforcing this.
  • New: 10ft2 boxes in the free weight areas will be tapped out. When in these areas please stay one person per box. This is your area that ensures you are 3m from the next person.
  • NRG class sizes limited to 10 people

 Other changes you will see:

  • All recreation bookings will be limited to a max. capacity of 10
  • All club practices will be limited to 10 participants (with the exception of pool and arena bookings)
  • All studio bookings will be capped at 10 people

 Note: this will not affect learn to programs, intramurals or certifications at this time.

 Please continue to follow our protocols and procedures that have been put in place to help limit the spread of COVID-19.   These include ensuring you are completing a daily health attestation if you are coming to campus; wearing a face covering at all times (except when exercising); wash hands or sanitize frequently and stay home if you do not feel well.

Thank you for the excellent work you are doing to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep us open.


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