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June 2024 Gryphon Greatness

Congratulations to Emma Davidson, Program Registrar from Gryphon Summer Camps for being named our Gryphon Greatness for June 2024.

This summer marks Emma’s second year as the Program Registrar for Gryphon Summer Camps. Emma returned at the beginning of June and immediately took on important tasks to guide the preparation of Gryphon Summer Camps. Emma’s leadership has been instrumental in the development of our senior staff team as we welcomed a new team this summer. She has been able to create new forms and systems that are much easier for counsellors to complete while at camp and easier to store and track in the office. Emma is the “engine” behind camp that many people do not see. She ensures that camper information forms are completed, gives exceptional client service to our camp community by finding the best camps for campers and communicating clearly with these families. Emma works diligently to ensure that all deadlines are met and that our camp community understands what to expect when they arrive at camp.

Here are just a few of the things that Emma has re-designed to enable camp to be more efficient: carbonless copies of attendance forms for staff to complete, creation of a new weekly camp newsletter, redesigned the camper information form, new filling and folder system for all camp groups, creates the camp groups for camps, and has been instrumental in facilitating early camper pick-ups.

She is the “constant” for all of Gryphon Summer Camps as all information files through her for both Activity and Sport Camp programs. Thank you, Emma, for creating a system that has enabled Summer Camps to get off to a great start!!

Do you have a staff member you think deserves a little extra recognition? Nominate them by emailing Jen at

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