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July 2023 Gryphon Greatness

Congratulations to Bella Hadfield. She is our Gryphon Greatness award winner for July!  

Accountability – Bella has been a leader of the Activity Camp staff this year. For 2023, we have had numerous new staff which means lots of training and support with staff. Bella has been instrumental in making sure that staff are being supported and guided in their delivery of camp. She has let staff know that she is here to assist them and teach skills that will continue to take Gryphon Camps to new heights.  You will see Bella talking with staff to better themselves in a positive and instrumental way that allows them to feel confident, happy, and supported.

 Leadership – Bella has a passion for Gryphon Camps. She is ensuring that schedules are being followed and designed so counsellors have them in advance to their work week.  Bella has created a system that ensures that camp is prepared on Friday, so on Monday she can focus on the camp and all the other work is done (no running around on Monday morning). This shows organization and dedication to the staff. They see her effort in this and thus they put the effort into their programs and delivering their programs.  Bella always takes time when needing to deal with the situation. She hears all sides, walks away and comes back with the a clear head before making a decision.  Also, Bella continues to step up and support Sport Camps. She recognizes that they are party of Gryphon Camps and thus packs their folders with paperwork to fill out and assist on any decisions about facilities or camper issues with the camps. She really epitomizes the definition of “team player”.

 Equity, Diversity, Inclusion – Bella believes in the values that we have with Gryphon Camps and working with our campers.  She is always willing to sit down with campers to support them on their camp journey. She is creative in thinking up of plans that will bring success for the camper and the staff. During camp, you can always see Bella figuring out ways for camp to be inclusive to everyone and supportive.

Integrity – Bella shows the I am A Gryphon values daily. She is respectful to all staff and campers in every discussion that she has with them. She is caring and determined through her development of constantly getting better herself and supporting the growth of each counsellor.  You can see Bella moving all around camp and when she passes a camper she will engage with them in conversations or games.

 Bella has been instrumental in the success of our Gryphon Camps this month. You can see in her work the passion she has and the drive that she has for camp to be the best experience for everyone involved (staff, campers, adults).  Thank you to Bella for an awesome first half of summer camp.


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