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Softball Diamonds Rules and Regulations

Rules & Regulations for SOFTBALL DIAMOND Facility Use, violation of any of the below listed Rules & Regulations may result in loss of facility access privileges and/or immediate removal from facility.

  1. NO ANIMALS are allowed. All animals must remain outside of the facility.
  2. Plastic Water Bottles containing WATER ONLY are allowed inside of the facility. Absolutely NO glass containers.
  3. NO FOOD products allowed on the field of play; including GUM, and all SEED or NUT products.
  4. Clean athletic footwear must be worn on all surfaces. Barefoot use of the playing surface is done at users own risk.
  5. Absolutely NO ALCOHOL or TOBACCO products are allowed. U of G is proud to be a tobacco- and smoke-free environment. Smoking, vaping and the use of smokeless tobacco is not permitted on campus.
  6. NO Bicycles, Skateboards or Motorized vehicles are allowed on the field of play and must remain in the parking lot.
  7. Fireworks or other Explosive devices are NOT permitted.
  8. NO LOITERING, please be respectful of others who will be accessing the facility immediately upon your rental completion.
  9. Programming space is to be shared appropriately with all participants.
  10. Athletic clothing appropriate to the activity must be worn.
  11. Inappropriate behaviour such as swearing, physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated and may result in loss of facility access privileges and/or immediate removal from facility.
  12. Persons 15 years of age and under must be supervised by an adult at all times.
  13. The permitted Facility will be inspected periodically throughout all rentals by an Athletics staff representative.
  14. DO NOT leave any valuables unattended, the University of Guelph is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items."