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Arena Rules and Regulations

Rules & Regulations for the GRYPHON CENTRE Facility Use, violation of any of the below listed Rules & Regulations may result in loss of facility access privileges and/or immediate removal from facility.

  1. All Gryphon Centre rentals and rates are booked as an hour but include a 10-minute ice resurfacing time slot at the conclusion of the rental.
  2. All Gold Rink rentals begin on the Half Hour (0:30) and all Red Rink rentals begin on the Hour (0:00).
  3. When the Client is renting ice time, it is agreed that all members of the Client's association or team shall remain off the ice during the scarping and flooding and shall not go on the ice until the resurfacing unit is completely off the ice.
  4. NO ANIMALS are allowed. All animals must remain outside of the facility. Service animals accepted.
  5. Plastic Water Bottles containing WATER ONLY are allowed inside of the facility. Absolutely NO glass containers. Water Refilling stations are available inside the facility.
  6. NO FOOD products are allowed inside of the Gryphon Centre; including GUM, and all SEED or NUT products.
  7. Clean athletic footwear with non-marking soles must be worn on all surfaces.
  8. Absolutely NO ALCOHOL or TOBACCO products are allowed inside any of our facilities. U of G is proud to be a tobacco- and smoke-free environment. Smoking, vaping and the use of smokeless tobacco is not permitted on campus.
  9. Bicycles, Skateboards or Motorized vehicles are NOT allowed inside of the facility. Mobility aids accepted.
  10. Fireworks or other Explosive devices are NOT permitted.
  11. NO LOITERING, please be respectful of others who will be accessing the facility immediately upon your rental completion. Please vacate the dressing room within 30 minutes of the completion of your rental to allow the next group time to change.
  12. Programming space is to be shared appropriately with all participants.
  13. Athletic clothing appropriate to the activity must be worn.
  14. Inappropriate behaviour such as swearing, physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated and may result in loss of building access privileges and/or immediate removal from facility.
  15. Persons 15 years of age and under must be supervised by an adult at all times.
  16. Ball Hockey, Rollerblading, Playing Catch, Tag, Hide and Seek, and other games are NOT allowed. Visitors found doing any of the above may be asked to leave the premises.
  17. Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied on the ice by an adult.
  18. Change rooms will be inspected by a Facility Representative upon rental completion and a cleanup charge may be added to your rental if required.
  19. Use of scoreboard and timing systems must be arranged at time of rental booking in order to ensure use for your event or rental.
  20. DO NOT leave any valuables unattended, the University of Guelph is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items whether from a dressing room or elsewhere.
  21. Helmets must be worn for all Hockey & Ringette related on-ice activities.
  22. The University will provide normal maintenance and cleaning services for the rented space, but if the Client causes damages or leaves the space in such a state of disarray as to cause the additional care-taking of the space, the Client will be liable for, and will reimburse the University for all costs prior to the beginning of the next rental date.
  23. The Client hereby assumes sole and exclusive responsibility for ensuring the safe use of the facilities and equipment by those using the premises under the Client's permission, including any supervision which may be reasonably necessary, and it is understood and agreed that the University has no responsibility to supervise the use by the Client of the space.
  24. The Client agrees not to sell goods or services in the contracted facilities.
  25. The Client recognizes and accepts that each participant is responsible for their own personal health, medical, dental and accident coverage.